Monday, July 27, 2015

Grandma Bonnie

I've been MIA the past few days because we took an unexpected family trip to Tampa to say goodbye to Ben's grandma, Grandma Bonnie.  I posted last week how she wasn't doing well and sadly, she passed away Thursday, July 16, 2015.  My in-laws, the girls, and I were supposed to go to Austin/San Antonio this past Tuesday to visit the family and have her meet the girls for the first time but with her passing, we changed our plans to Tampa and Ben and his siblings were able to join us.  We rented a house with the rest of Ben's family and spent four days with them, which is exactly what Bonnie would have wanted.  We shared memories, listened to stories, played with babies and toddlers, went swimming and jet skiing, and just had good quality family time.  It has been awhile since we have seen most of Ben's family so it was really great to spend time with them.  I'll share more about our family time and pictures later this week.

Ben's aunt and grandmother moved to Texas right after we started dating so I was only around his grandmother twice, once at our wedding and once at his cousin's wedding.  I think our wedding was the last time she made it to Maryland and I was so happy she was able to make it.  And listening to the stories, I was sad that I didn't get to spend more time with her as she sounded like an amazing woman of God.  I am also very sad that she didn't get to meet her great-granddaughters.  She was so excited that they were coming to see her and sadly, we were a week late.  But that's okay, because now she's in heaven with Jesus and she can see her great-grandbabies anytime she wants to.  She was a woman of God and it's comforting to know where she is now.

Even though I was only with her twice, I do have a few pictures of her that I wanted to share.  Some are old pictures of when Ben was growing up and some are from our wedding.  Enjoy!

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