Friday, June 26, 2015

4 Months!!

So, technically they are 4.5 months old but I had ZERO time the last week of school to take their pictures and then I was just a few days from their 4 month check up so I waited till after that so I could have their weights and heights.  Noelle outweighed Natalie by one ounce and they were the same height at 23 inches.  So HAPPY FOUR MONTHS BABY GIRLS!!!

Based on their corrected age (which is 3.5 months and goes by their due date), Noelle is in the 6th percentile for weight, 13th percentile for height, and the 78th percentile for head circumference! (It's that big brain, right?!)

Natalie is in the 5th percentile for weight, 13th percentile for height, and the 65th percentile for head circumference...I'm going to have some smart babies! I am actually having to move them up to 3-6mo clothes just because their heads don't fit through the 0-3mo clothes anymore, haha!


Ben's grandmother had surgery recently so we thought we would take a picture to send her!  (Judy, I'll be sending you the file shortly if you would be so kind as to share it with her!)

Happy Friday!

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