Friday, July 26, 2013

Mini Vacay to OC!

Summer school ended last Friday and the first thing I did was head to Ocean City, MD for a mini vacation!  Ben and I went with two of our good friends, David & Melissa for four days.  My family has a condo down there and it was so relaxing!  The beach was hot and the water was FREEZING!  Seriously, it was cold.  Normally it is around 68 degrees this time of year, which is still a bit chilly, but this weekend it was 62 degrees!!!  Super cold.  Only David was brave enough to go in the water all the way.  Ben, Melissa, and I made it up to our knees before chickening out.  But there was a wonderful breeze which made the beach bearable during the day.  We also visited the boardwalk, had an arcade contest, watched the sunrise, played bocce ball, flew kites, and played on the lifeguard stand!

I love taking panoramas.  Peaceful beach!

Playing beach bocce!  Girls vs. Boys

Obligatory foot picture!

Who has the prettiest foot?

Sunrise on the beach!

These are the BEST donuts in the world!  The Fractured Prune has hot, hand dipped donuts that we get every time we go...we only get them once because they are habit forming!

We went to the arcade on the boardwalk and each got $10 worth of quarters.  The person who got the most tickets was the winner!

Melissa won!  She scored a ton of tickets by kicking our butts in trivia.

Two of the three losers.  The tickets were well spent on dominos and bouncy balls.

This was one of those guys who would somehow stay as still as a statue until you got close to him and then he would become very animated!  He also squeaked.

Amazing sand sculptures.  The Last supper.

To the left you can see the fishing pier that Hurricane Sandy destroyed back in October.  The town rebuilt it in time for beach season.

Boys playing with their bouncy balls.

I think this was supposed to be Moses.

Jesus carrying our sins for us.

The famous Ocean Gallery!

Walking on the beach.

Like I said, David was the only one brave enough to go in the freezing water.

Let's go fly a kite!

Sunset over the bay.  Can't wait to go back to my favorite beach!

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