We had four weddings to attend this year and about two weeks ago we went to our last one of 2016! This wedding was extra fun because not only was it a family wedding (my cousin said "I do") but our girls were asked to be flower girls!!! I was really excited for them but that also meant I was probably in the wedding too because I highly doubted they were going to walk down the aisle by themselves...which I was right about.
My cousin Stephen and his now wife Aimee got married on Friday, Sept. 16th at my aunt and uncle's house. It was outside overlooking a pond and it was the most beautiful fall day you could imagine! Mid 70s, blue skies, and a slight breeze. We took the day off from work so we didn't have to worry about making it to the wedding in time. We stopped at the outlets on the way to get some shoes for the girls and then headed over to their house a few hours before the wedding started. After eating lunch we tried to tire the girls out a bit and I think we ended up tiring ourselves out too! It's hard work taking two active toddlers to a non-babyproofed house!
Finally it was time to get dressed. With the bride's approval I got the girls dresses from Amazon and they were ADORABLE!!! Noelle wore orange and Natalie wore purple. Once dressed, both girls did not like the idea of the flower on the front of them and kept trying to rip it off. Thankfully they finally were distracted by other things and forgot about the flower. We kept them busy playing until it was go time!
Noelle & Mitch
The love is looking a little forced here haha
And then she licked him
Ben sat in the audience while the girls and I waited for our cue. Since we were outside and they didn't get much of a nap, they both wanted to run around. Natalie threw a fit when I wouldn't let go of her hand and ended up crying hysterically while waiting our turn....everyone could hear her too! When it was our turn I put their flower crowns on and handed them their baskets of petals. Natalie promptly threw her crown and basket down but Noelle held onto hers and strutted down the aisle like she was born to be a flower girl! Natalie managed to stop crying by the time we walked down but I had to hold her basket and crown for her.

My cousin Stephen waiting for his bride

Stephen's brother, Shawn, escorting their mom down the aisle

Aimee's mom

Here come the flower girls!

Stephen's sister, Heather, has an almost 18 month old who was the ring bearer. He got to ride down the aisle
Here comes the bride!

Both girls did fairly okay during the ceremony. It was pretty short thankfully. We kept them entertained with iPads and a little bit of walking on the side of the pond. Once the ceremony was over the three of us walked back down the aisle. Overall they did really well and looked so cute in their dresses!

Isn't she precious??

After the ceremony we hung around for pictures. Both girls were getting pretty hangry (hungry-angry) by then and didn't cooperate much for the pictures so hopefully the photographer took a lot and got a few good ones in. We gave them some crackers to much on while we drove to the reception area but they passed out within 30 seconds. That cat nap did them some good because they were ready to go for the reception! The girls loved running around with balloons, ate some good food and cake, and really enjoyed dancing!
We tried to get some cousin pictures while we waited....notice the other little cousin running away in the background and me chasing her?
Well at least one cousin looks like he's having fun

My little flower girl

My aunt's family

Trying to get a wedding party picture but not everyone was cooperationg
My family with the bride & groom
My parents
All the cousins
Grammy and Noelle
The entire Eck family
My other uncle, aunt, and family
My Uncle Mark, Aunt Vicky, Stephen and Aimee

Being introduced to the reception

They enjoyed their dinner immensely!
All of my great aunts & great uncles

My cousin Shawn giving his best man speech.

We left the reception a little early because we had to drive home which was about a 90 minute drive. And here's my mom fail of the week....I had brought the girls' pajamas and lovies with us so they could go to sleep in the car. I gave Noelle her pacifier and Natalie her blankie and we started home. A few minutes into the ride Natalie started crying and it kept getting worse and worse. We were driving on back roads so we didn't have anywhere to stop and I didn't know what was wrong. Finally I just climbed in the back as Ben drove. I checked her over, made sure she wasn't sitting on anything, did everything I could think of and she was still crying hysterically. I kept giving her her blankie and she kept throwing it at me, which was really odd. Finally I looked over to see if Noelle was asleep and did a double take because Noelle was sucking her thumb while holding her pacifier...which is what Natalie does...which made me realize that I had given the wrong child the wrong lovie! It was Noelle who was hysterical because she didn't have her pacy and that's why she kept throwing the blankie at me! I felt HORRIBLE!!! I quickly switched lovies and she almost immediately went to sleep. Poor thing was crying for over 30 minutes because I had the wrong kid! #twinmomfail #identicaltwinproblems
Oh well, we've all had a mom fail before, right?!
We're so thankful for Aimee & Stephen including our girls into their special day. We had a lot of fun participating and we're so excited to see them start their new chapter of life!
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