I requested to do outdoor photos this time since all of our other ones had been inside so Erin had us meet her at a local park. Grammy and Pop Pop also came along to help and it was definitely needed with two toddlers running around! To get the best light we did the photos at 6pm but that meant the girls were hungry and tired. I let them nap as long as possible that day and fed them a large snack before but it of course didn't help. Erin was more than patient with them and still got some great shots of the girls!



Their shirts were custom made by my sweet friend Jaime. She has the cutest Etsy shop called Sweet Peony Boutique and makes the sweetest little shirts for kids. She can custom make anything!

"Born Together, Friends Forever"

This is about the time that they started getting antsy. Noelle is in the darker dress and Natalie is in the lighter dress.

Overall I wish they had been a little more cooperative but I can't blame them since it was past dinner time and almost bedtime. Erin got some great pictures as always!
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