This is the picture we sent Uncle Kevin in the morning to say, "Happy Birthday!"

Natalie and Noelle are ready for lunch!

After lunch we went back to Ben's parents' house for dessert and presents! We played some corn hole and just enjoyed spending time with family.
Stylin' babies.

Chessie and Noelle

The birthday boy!

Aunt Chessie and Noelle

She's not quite sure if Aunt Chessie is her BFF

Uncle Kevin and Natalie!

Uncle Kevin and his favorite nieces

Having fun with Noelle's romper
Sunday was our errands day...the girls and I went to church while Ben did yard work. He had to get it in before it rained later that day. After church, we hit up the grocery store, and then came home to clean and put stuff away. Nothing too exciting for our Sunday!
Natalie and Noelle, ready for church!

This coming weekend is going to be B-U-S-Y! I have a wedding shower, a concert, and I get to see my BFF who is here from Texas! She hasn't met the girls yet, so I'm excited to show them off to her and see her two darling girls! Not to mention I only have NINE school days left! Single digits!
Here are some random pictures from the week...
Natalie & Noelle dressed in their shirts from Aunt Nanne & Uncle Wayne
In the last few weeks they have really started to notice each other and will smile at each other! They will even search for the other when I'm holding one and the other is nearby. It's so much fun and sweet to watch their special bond grow! (Noelle is on the left and Natalie is on the right.)

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