To start, the 12th was the girls' four month birthday! Crazy how they are already that big! School was really fun that day because 1) we were camping! and 2) the Zoo Mobile came! In my school, first grade "goes camping" the last week of school. Basically we move all the desks and chairs to the side and set up our room to look like a campground. We pitch a tent, make camping murals, and the kids bring in sleeping bags to use on the floor. We also get flashlights and they read by flashlight which is the best! Don't worry, no overnights!
Welcome to Camp Alvarez! I thought I had more camping pictures but I think they are on my school computer.
We also had a rescheduled assembly that day. The Baltimore Zoo Mobile was supposed to come in April but was cancelled due to the Baltimore riots and was rescheduled for the end of the year. I was actually excited to have it rescheduled because I was still on leave when it was first supposed to come. The teachers selected the Habitat Happenings program and the presenters discussed different habitats and animals that may live in those habitats. Then they brought out an animal for each habitat!
Two Panamanian Golden Frogs
A gecko named Blink
A Laughing Kookaburra named Rascal
And Tails the Penguin!
The kids loved the animals, especially the kookaburra and penguin!
Saturday was a really busy day for us. I went to a bridal shower for my friend, Dana, who is getting married in September. Dana and I were randomly paired freshman year at UMD and even though we only lived together that one year, we always kept in touch (thank you Facebook!) and she came to my wedding so I'm excited to go to hers!

Beautiful bride-to-be!

I had to leave the shower a little early to come home in time to leave again for our Rascal Flatts concert! Ben gave me tickets for Mother's Day and Rascal Flatts is my absolute favorite band! I have seen them at least a dozen times over the past ten years and I was so excited to see them again. Ben's parents kindly watched the girls for us. We had a great time together but it was 1am when we got home and we were exhausted! We're so old now haha!

The first opening act was Ashley Monroe. It was supposed to be Raelynn, an contestant from The Voice but she wasn't there for some reason. Ashely was really good though and I knew a few of her songs.
Second up was Scotty McCreery! He won American Idol a few years back and he was awesome. He has one of those really deep voices that sounds sooooo good!
And my favorite guys, Rascal Flatts! Ben got us amazing seats, the closest I've ever been to them! This is still with some zoom on my camera but I got such great pictures!
All three members of Rascal Flatts are Christians and there was a part of there show where Gary (lead singer) talked about how we all have dark places we've been and there's only one person who can get us out, God. He basically shared the Gospel in a song version! Another reason why they are so great :)
Sunday wasn't quite as busy but I spent a lot of time on the road. My best friend, Hannah lives in Texas and was here with her husband and daughters visiting their families. She hadn't met the girls in person yet so I got up Sunday morning and the girls and I drove to the Eastern Shore to see them for a few hours.

Best friends for over 13 years!
Then we stopped by my parents house (if I'm ten minutes away, I should probably say hi, haha) and then hit the road to come home. Traffic was A-W-F-U-L because of the beachgoers and it took us 3 hours to get home (normally it's an hour and 15 minutes). Thankfully the girls slept the whole time but it was a long drive to end a busy weekend.
And I'll leave you with a few random pictures.

I don't normally dress the girls the same and in this case Noelle peed through her pjs in the middle of the night so I just grabbed whatever pjs were in the top of the drawer. And when I woke up the next morning, I had two identical babies! Thank goodness we still keep their toes painted!
Grammy gave the girls a Jolly Jumper and they love it! This is Noelle taking it for a spin.

Gotta have your sunnies in the summer!
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