Yesterday, we missed school because of ice but the roads were okay so I was able to go out and finish Christmas shopping and then wrapped everything. I was really busy all day so part of me was hoping that we would have today off just so I could recover from Monday! Today has been nice so far. The snow started around 7am and we have close to two inches now and it's still falling. The snow has put me in a baking mood and in the first two hours I was up, I made soup (yes, I know that's not baking but it's still making something) for friends for tomorrow, breakfast for both Ben and myself, and a spice loaf. I already have the recipes pulled for what else I want to bake today while I wait for the dishwasher to run it's cycle. I despise washing dishes so I'll just wait for the dishwasher to finish before moving on to the next recipe. I think up next I have walnut cranberry chunk cookies, possibly chocolate chip cookie dough truffles, and maybe something else. We will see how long my baking streak goes today before I collapse on the couch with a good book!

Here's the snow at about 7:30am.

Deciding what to make. Oh the choices! Maybe I should start putting recipes on here. But I'm not really sure anyone actually reads the blog, haha, so would it be worth it?

Snow covered ground and roads around 9:30am.

Our front yard and Penny braving the snow.

Our pretty snow covered house!

So Sunday's snow was Penny's first time seeing the snow and walking in it. She quickly found a love for playing and running in the snow. However, she does not like going potty in the snow! Not good for the house or me since I have to stand outside in the weather trying to get her to go. Though, I can't say I blame her. I wouldn't want to be out in the cold like that! Hopefully she will get the hang of it sooner rather than later.
Happy Snow Day wherever you are!
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