Playing around with the settings on my camera.

On our way to Easton!

Don't they look ready to open presents?
Oakley and Riley

Oakley and Mali

Mali was very comfortable.
Here are some pictures from the Hill Family Christmas Eve Extravaganza!

After eating so much yummy food, we went back to my parents' house to pick up the pups and our goodies, and headed home. We were exhausted by the time we got home so we went right to bed so that St. Nick could come visit! I woke up around 5:30am, wide awake and excited! Ben made me wait till 7:00am to wake him up. Once we got up and took care of the dogs, it was time to enjoy our first Christmas in our new house! Riley knew right away that there were some goodies in her stocking and she wouldn't budge until we gave her the rawhide.
After enjoying our Christmas together, we went over to Ben's parents' house for our third Christmas celebration! We also enjoyed more yummy food and played some games together.
We had a wonderful Christmas and were truly spoiled by our families. We are so blessed to have such fantastic families to share this holiday with as we celebrate the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas as well!
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