Monday, October 2, 2017

Apples, Mazes, and Pumpkins....Sounds Like Fall!

For awhile now we've been trying to get together with some of our friends who we haven't seen in awhile and a few weeks ago us mamas nailed down a date.  Then this past week we were tossing ideas back and forth and Rachel suggested we check out this farm near us.  It had a variety of activities and we figured we'd just see what was going on once we got there.

It was supposed to be in the 60s so we all showed up without jackets and it turned out to be so cold!  The wind was blowing and it was very cloudy and we all were shivering!  We decided to pick some apples and then do a corn maze.  The girls and I have never been apple picking and they really enjoyed it!  We wandered up and down a few rows picking red and green apples.  I think we ended up with Gala, Golden Delicious (which were more green than gold), and some Red Delicious apples.  The girls loved trying to pull the apples off the tree and we had a hard time grabbing the apple to check before they picked it.  They especially liked the apples way up high because Daddy had to lift them up to get them.
Noelle in orange, Natalie in white.

After apples we walked back to the car and stuck the apples inside.  Then we went over to wait for the hayride down to the corn maze.  The tractors were running a little slow and it was so cold!  We did get to see the pumpkin cannon fire a few times and we watched some cows mosey down to the pasture from milking.  The kids just enjoyed running around and getting dirty :)

The tractor finally came and we took a short ride to the corn maze.  This farm had two mazes.  One was one acre and one was nine acres!  We opted for the one acre one and it turned out to be pretty short.  I think we were only in there about 15 minutes but the kids seemed to enjoy it.

After the corn maze we checked out some pumpkins in the nearby patch as we waited for the tractor to come back.  Once we made it back to the car we all headed to the Greene Turtle for lunch.  We were starving!  After that the girls went home for naps and I hit up the grocery store and made sure to get ingredients for Ben's favorite, apple crisp!

The rest of the weekend was just stuff around the house like cleaning out the garage, selling our oven finally, cleaning, and working on Halloween costumes.  It was nice to stay home and just relax.  Happy October!

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