I am just stopping by quickly because I have progress reports to finish and my ASL final to study for! Plus I don't have any pictures to share yet so this will be brief.
Yesterday I had my first of two baby showers and all I can say is how blessed Ben and I are. These two little girls are so loved by so many people who haven't even met them yet. We were showered with so many lovely things, thoughtful things, essential things, that we are already running out of room. I just keep thanking God for all these wonderful family members and friends in our lives, especially when I know that there are women out there who don't have the kind of love and support we do.
If you came to our shower yesterday, thank you so so so much for coming and for your gifts. I can't thank you enough for your love and generosity. We are so blessed to have you in our lives!
Thank you to my amazing mother who hosted the shower and when I get the pictures to post, you'll see how much thought and time and effort went into every little detail. I have the best mother in the world! Thanks mom!!! I love you!
Thank you to my cousin Courtney who helped her with the planning and decorations. Everyone was amazed by your tissue paper pom poms. The room looked great!
Thank you to my grandmother who provided the beautiful flowers!
Thank you to my Aunt Sharon for taking the pictures the whole party. I can't wait to share them with on here.
Thank you to my wonderful dad who showed up, hid in the back, and helped load up and clean up after. I love you too!
Now I'm worried I forgot somebody...if I did, thank you for all that you did for our shower! We are so truly blessed! Once I get the pictures, I will post them on here with more details about the shower. Now I need to go study. Thanks for stopping by!
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