Anyways, I can't wait for the girls' first Halloween! They've been wearing their pumpkin hats almost everyday, have been wearing Halloween outfits to daycare, visited the pumpkin patch, and now we are putting on the finishing touches to their costumes. I'm not sharing what they are going to be just yet but you'll see soon!
My school's PTA is putting on a Trunk or Treat this Friday so we will be going to that and hopefully that will be the first time they get to be in their costume, if I finish everything in time. I grew up making our Halloween costumes each year. My mom would craft and sew the costume from a pattern and my dad would help build it. I am also very competitive and my goal was to win Most Original each year at the costume parade and I did win several years! I've been a witch, a bride, the Tooth Fairy, an M&M, Raggidy Ann, a butterfly, a lady bug, a lollipop, a slice of pizza, a box of popcorn, a peppermint (notice the food theme??) half of a PB&J sandwich, and others that I can't think of at the moment. I really enjoy dressing up for Halloween and I'm hoping to do some themed family costumes in the future!

Here we are, me as Raggidy Ann and my brother as Raggidy Andy. I think I was in kindergarten.

First grade was a bride for me and a cow for my brother.

Me in my first grade classroom

Sophomore year of college I was BatGirl
Those were the only pictures I could find on my computer but I know my parents have a lot more. Stay tuned for the girls' debut!!