- We rang in 2015 with the realization that we would be parents this year!
- Final preparations were made for the arrival of our girls!
- I went to a routine doctor's appointment on February 9th only to find my perfect blood pressure was a little high. Was sent to the hospital for monitoring and long story short, left a week later with our babies!



Noelle & Natalie

- February 12, 2015, we welcomed Natalie & Noelle into the world! We couldn't have been happier (or more tired!) We brought them home on February 15th and headed back to the hospital on the 16th for body temperature issues. We finally came home for good two days later.
- We celebrated Ben's birthday with dinner out and presents and dessert at his parents' house.
- We celebrated the girls' first Easter by staying at home to visit with Pop Pop & Grammy and then going over to Poppy & Nana's for food.
- I went back to work after 11 wonderful and tiring weeks of maternity leave. My firsties were so excited to see me!
- I celebrated my first Mother's Day!
- We welcomed my cousin's baby into the world.
- We started counting down the days till summer break!
- Ben celebrated his first Father's Day!
- School's out for the summer!
- Ben and I celebrated our 5th anniversary
- Several trips to the beach
- The girls and I had plans to go to TX with my in-laws but instead the trip became a big family trip to Tampa to say good-bye to Ben's grandma.
- My mom and I took the girls to their first county fair!
- School started again (boo!)
- Ben and I attended my freshman college roommate's wedding
- The girls and I did a 5K (quite the workout!)

- We took the girls to the pumpkin patch for the first time.
- I celebrated 36 weeks, 3 days in and 36 weeks, 3 days out!
- Cabbage Patch dolls for Natalie & Noelle's first Halloween!
- I celebrated my birthday with my family!

- The girls had their first Thanksgiving experience and were great!

- Took the girls to meet Santa for the first time!!!

- First Christmas! It was fun and overwhelming, haha
Still working on compiling Christmas pictures...the girls have been sick for the past 5 days so it's been slow going. I will get them up here ASAP. Looking forward to so many good things in 2016, including (eek!) a first birthday party!!! Happy New Years!