The celebrating started the weekend before when my wonderful in-laws took me out for a brunch birthday. We ate at Clydes and the brunch was soooo good! It was nice to sit, eat an excellent meal, and spend time with family.
My actual birthday was a hectic day...we had a busy day at school but all of my little first graders were really excited to wish me a happy birthday. One of the teachers took a poll at lunch to see how old the students thought I was and it ranged from 12 to 42...not bad! I had class that night so I got myself a birthday dinner of Chick-fil-a and when I got home, Ben gave me beautiful flowers! He also bought me "wine" to drink....don't worry, it was sparkling apple cider. I opened my cards and presents and promptly fell asleep on the couch :)
The next day at school, my team and I had a birthday lunch and dessert for me! I even got to bring the extra home which was awesome. That night my amazing parents came up and we went out to dinner at The Stanford Grill, which is an excellent restaurant. I highly recommend it. I opened a few more presents and enjoyed spending time with my family.
At some point over Thanksgiving break, Ben and I are going to see the new Hunger Games movie to finish off the celebrating. I'm really excited for the movie, Ben is just tagging along I think, haha.
All in all it was a great way to start year 27!