I arrived in Texas on Monday and our first outing was Tuesday to the hospital where Hannah and Andrew had an appointment about their 2nd baby (on the way!!). The hospital had this adorable wooden merry-go-round for kids to play on so naturally Kayla and I had the most fun with it!

While there, Hannah and Andrew were going to find out what gender the baby is so we had a little surprise for them! My mom embroidered a shirt for the soon to be big sister and a onsie for each gender. We changed Karissa into her shirt and had a photo shoot with the onsies.

You might be noticing a pattern here...Karissa is in almost every picture!

After the doctor appointment, we went to this fantastic park that had food trucks, a water park, games, a library, so many amazing things!

Isn't she adorable?!

Snuggles with her daddy!

While there, Kayla started painting this turtle stool in the pattern of the Maryland flag! I don't have a finished picture of it but it turned out amazing!

The next day, we went to another park that had accommodations for special needs children. It was awesome how included they were in everything.

Wednesday night we went to see the off-Broadway production of Beauty and the Beast!
Come back for more pictures in Part 2!