Here are some before pictures:

Here's my brother, Derrike, warming up for the race.

And my dad getting ready.

My parents, David & Carla.

The Hill family!

The Alvarez siblings

Check out Kevin's sweet ink.

Heading for the start line! There were thousands of people there! They let waves of people go about every five minutes.

Me and my brother

The first station was yellow and the color throwers were kids and their families who are involved with the Cool Kids Campaign. They had so much fun throwing color on us!

It's hard to see the whole sign but it said "Oompaloompa Land Ahead" stop, orange!

Some of the pictures are blurry because I took them through a plastic bag.

Lots of orange!

Right before I took this picture, we were walking along and all of a sudden we heard lots of cheering and clapping. After looking around, we saw a couple off to the side and the guy was down on one knee! He was proposing to his girlfriend during the Color Run! It was so adorable and the girl said yes. It really must've been the happiest 5K for them!

Blue was the last station. I somehow missed getting a picture of the purple one.

Isn't my mama cute?

Heading through Camden yards to the finish line!

After the race!
Ben ran the course, I walked it....guess the walkers got more color!
Christmas card photo?
Each participant got a packet of color to throw at the end of the race. Instead of throwing it up in the air like most people, our families decided to throw it at each other and put it down each others backs.
We had a lot of fun! I don't know about everyone but I would definitely do the Color Run again. Hopefully next time it will be a bit warmer though!